Monday, August 28, 2023

Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind The List, David M. Crowe, c. 2004.

Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind The List, David M. Crowe, c. 2004. BSCH.

The book:

  • Narrative: 628 pages
  • Notes: 89 pages
  • Bibliography: 17 pages
  • Index: 27 pages.

Chapter 1: Early Life, 1908 - 1938

Begins with how Schindler made himself know to the US, in the winter of 1947 - 1948.

At that time, Oskar Schindler was an impoverished formed Sudeten German factory owner desperateely searching for ways to survive financially during the postwar hardships in Germany. With the exception of the 1,098 Schindlerjuden who survived the war in large part because of his efforts, few people knew of his exploits. Yet to many Schindlerjuden, he was already a god-like figure.

Many of his survivors maintained a close relationship with him until his death in 1974.

Born, April 28, 1908, Svitavy (German, Zwittau), a Moravian town in thee Austrian-Hungarian empire. His family, like many others there: southern Germans.

Now Czechoslovakia.

The Czechoslovak Republic came into existence at the end of WWI in the midst of the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Married Emilie, 1928.

By 1929, Sudenten Nazis -- major "political party."

Schindler joins the party in late 1930s, Nazi Party membership, probably 1938. Part of the notorious Abwehr -- pages 15 - 16.

After the war, Czechs were looking for Schindler as a war criminal. After he returned to Germany from Argentina, he became a bit more open about his past.

German spy. Led to his arrest in 1938 -- pagee 19.

In prison from July 18, 1938, until October 7, 1938, when he was released and transferred from Brno to Svitavy, which had just become part of the Third Reich because of the Munich Agreement -- page 41.

Chapter 2: Schindler the Spy

Now, back in Svitavy in early October, 1938, as a hero. Given an automobile and other valuables from Hitler.

The medal that Schindler wore: page 45.

Not much is known about Schindler's life after 1938.

Early days of the war.

Chapter 3: Schindler and the Emalia Controversy

Kraków in latee 1939.

Still working as a spy for the Abwehr.

Polish factory controversy.

Came to Kraków to make money and he did incredibly well.

Question / controversy about his dealings with Jews then, but .... whatever the truth, he came out a changed man.

Chapter 4: Schindler in Kraków


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