From public libraries, friends: not yet returned
The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was Born, Louisa Gilder, c. 2008 (from Jorge)
From public libraries, friends: returned
Biography of Bram Stoker, Skal, c. 2016
Biography of Bram Stoker, Skal, c. 2016
A History of Icelandic Literature, Stefan Einarsson, c. 1957
Books in the Apartment
Acquired in 2023
- Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and The Great Environmental Awakening, Douglas Brinkley, 2022.
- California: America's High-Stakes Experiment, Peter Schrag, c. 2006.
- The Book of Eels, Our Enduring Fascination with the Most Mysterious Creature in the Natural World, Patrick Svensson, c. 2020.
- The Mind of a Bee, Lars Chittka, c. 2022. Princeton University Press. A scientific treatise.
- The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, From the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to US, Steve Brusatte, c. 2022.
- Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey: The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle, The Countess of Carnarvon, 2011.
- The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien, deluxe edition, 2004. Notes on the text: Douglas A. Anderson, May, 2004.
- Cinema Speculation, Quentin Tarantino, November 1, 2022.
- The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was Born, Louisa Gilder, c. 2008.
- Chip War: The Fight For the World's Most Critical Technology, Chris Miller, c. 2022.
- Indigenous Continent: The Epic Contest for North America, Pekka Hämäläinen, September, 2022.
- Too Big for a Single Mind: How the Greatest Generation of Physicists Uncovered the Quantum World, Tobia Hürter, c. 2021.
- Mailer: The Naked and the Dead; Selected Letters 1945 - 1946. J. Michael Lennon, editor, c. 2023. See note here.
Acquired in 2022
(some acquired before 2022, but before I delete those,
I want to make sure they are already on the list)
- How The Mountains Grew: A New Geological History of North America, John Dvorak, c. 2021.
- Wise Gals: The Spies Who Built the CIA and Changed the Future of Espionage, Nathalia Holt, published September 13, 2022.
- A Song For Everyone: The Story of Creedence Clearwater Revival, John Lingan, c. 2022.
- Fantastic Numbers and Where To Find Them: A Cosmic Quest From Zero To Infinity, Antonio Padilla, c. 2022; published July 26, 2022.
- Transformer: The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death, Nick Lane, c. 2022.
- Ken Kocienda, Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs, c. 2018. Amazon. [Gave to nephew; software engineer]
- Barnet Schecter, The Battle For New York: The City At The Heart of the American Revolution, c. 2002
- I had read this once before. This is my second reading.
- Peter Zeihan, The End Of The World Is Just The Beginning, published June 14, 2022
- Dhun Sethna, The Wine-Dark Sea Within: A Turbulent History of Blood, June 7, 2022
- Edmund Wilson, Dead Sea Scrolls, 1947 - 1969, January 1, 1970
- W. G. Sebald, The Rings Of Saturn, 1995
- Riley Black, The Last Days of the Dinosaurs, April 26, 2022
- Mark Rozzo, Everybody Thought We Were Crazy: Dennis Hopper, Brooke Hayward and 1960s Los Angeles, 2022
- John Taylor Williams, The Shores of Bohemia: A Cape Cod Story, 1910 - 1960, May 17, 2022
- Breathless: The Scientific Race to Defeat a Deadly Virus, Daviid Quammen, 2022.
- The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race, Walter Isaacson, March 9, 2021
- Spike: The Virus vs. The People - the Inside Story, Jeremy Farrar, Anjana Ahuja, July 22, 2021
- Like a Rolling Stone: A Memoir, Jann S Wenner, September 13, 2022
- The Silk Roads: A New History of the World, Peter Frankopan, March 7, 2017
- Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, James Clear, October 16, 2018
- Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants, Robin Wall Kimmerer, c. 2013.
- Mrs Paine's Garage and the Murder of John F. Kennedy, Thomas Mallon, c. 2002.
- The Last Campaign: Sherman, Geronimo and the War For America, H. W. Brands, c. 2022.
- Wild Things Are Happening: The Art Of Maurice Sendak, Edited By Jonathan Weinberg, c. 2022.
Acquired in 2021
- The Annotated Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf edited with an introduction and notes by Merve Emre, c. 2021
- Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870 to 1930, Edmund Wilson, first published in 1931
- Alexander Wilson: The Scot Who Founded American Ornithology, Edward H. Burtt, Jr., and Williams E. Davis, Jr., c. 2013, full price, hardcover, Amazon; $36;
- The Mississippi Kite, Eric G. Bolen and Dan Flores, c. 1993
- The Real Lolita: The Kidnapping of Sally Horner and the Novel that Scandalized the World, Sarah Weinman, c. 2018The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism, Stuart Curran, c 2010;. 2010; $37.99;
- The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen, Edward Copeland, c. 2010; $23.28; given to Arianna;
Acquired in 2019
- The Viking Wars: War And Peace In King Alfred's Britain, 789 - 955, Max Adams, c. 2018
- The Anarchy: The East India Company, William Dalrymple, c. 2019, hard copy; Amazon; Christmas gift;
- The Vikings: A History, Robert Ferguson, c. 2009, softcover, Amazon, after reading the book from the library;
- The Ancient Celts, second edition, Barry Cunliffe, c. 2018; B&N; full price, $27; softcover; rare;
- Cru Oyster Bar Nantucket Cookbook, Erin Zircher, Jane Stoddard and Carlos Hidalgo, c. 2019; Amazon; $25
- The Battle For New York: The City at the Heart of the American Revolution, Barnet Schecter, c. 2002.
- The Annotated Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë, edited by Janet Gezari, c.2014.
- Finding Fire: Cooking at its most elemental, Lennox Hastie, c. 2017; $30, but free with "loyalty points"
- Drink, The Ultimate Cocktail Book, Kurt Maitland, 2019; Amazon, $29.22 (free with points)
- Lone Star Dinosaurs, Louis Jacobs with original artwork by Karen Carr, c. 1995, Texas A&M University Press
- Universal: A Guide to the Cosmos, Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw, c. 2017; Amazon; less than half the B&N price of $35
- The Wall of Birds: One Planet / 243 Families / 375 Million Years, Jane Kim w/Thayer Walker, c. 2018; Amazon; less than half the B&N price of $45; The Cornell Lab of Ornithology;
- L.E.L: The Lost Life and Scandalous Death of Letitia Elizabeth Landon, the Celebrated "Female Byron", Lucasta Miller, c. 2019, hardcover; Amazon; $24, free through "points"
- The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Richard Rhodes, c. 1986, soft cover; used/redundant, Amazon
- How to Live Japanese, Yutaka Yazawa, c. 2018, hard cover, full price; gift to May, Japanese bookstore
- The Roman Empire and the Indian Ocean: The Ancient World & The Kingdoms of Africa, Arabia & India, Raoul McLaughlin, c. 2014, 2018, Amazon Prime, $17
- The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures On How To Build An Atomic Bomb, Robert Serber, edited with an introduction by Richard Rhodes, bought at Los Alamos, NM; $79; hardcover, c. 1992
- Man of the Hour, James B. Conant: Warrior Scientist, Jennet Conant, c. 2017, author of Tuxedo Park and 109 East Palace,
- Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb, Jonathan Fetter-Vorm, c. 2012, bought at Los Alamos, NM; $79; soft cover, $14.95
- The Los Alamos Primer, Robert Serber, c. ?; bought at Los Alamos, NM,
Acquired in 2018
- $30;Japanese Whisky, Brian Ashcraft, c. 2018
- Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens, with an afterword by A. N. Wilson, Signet Classics, c. 2007
- The Comanche Code Talkers of WWII, William C. Meadows, c. 2002
- Tequila Mockingbird, Tim Federle, c. 2013
- Japanese Whisky, Brian Ashcraft, c. 2018
- Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Greta's Empire, Robin Waterfield, c. 2011
- "The Talmud": The Book of Legends: Legends from the Talmud and Midrash, edited by Hayim Nahman Bialik and Yehoshua Hana Ravnitzky, translated by William G. Braude, c. 1992; first published in Odessa in 1908 - 1911
- The Letters of Sylvia Plath, Volume 2: 1956 - 1963, c. 2018; with foreword by her daughter, Frieda; edited by Peter K Steinberg and Karen V. Kukil -- Grapevine Library (I don't own copy)
So We Read On: How The Great Gatsby Came To Be and Why It Endures, Maureen Corrigan, c. 2014 - Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb, Jonathan Fetter-Vorm, c. 2012; $14.95
- The Los Alamos Primer, Robert Serber, c. 1992, $79
- 109 East Palace: Orbert Oppenheimer and the Secret City of Los Alamos, Jennet Conant, c. $17.99; 2005
- Man of the Hour: James B. Conant, Warrior Scientist, Jennet Conant, c. 2017; $30 face; free from museum
- The Los Alamos Primer, Robert Serber, very thin pamphlet; from Los Alamos museum; $30; no copyright
- Truth and Beauty: The Pre-Raphaelites and the Old Masters, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, c. 2018; $45;
- The New Journalism, Tom Wolfe, editor, c. 1973; $14.95; Amazon, 3rd party
- Aeneid, Virgil; translation by Frederick Ahl, c. 2007; Johnson County Library, Shawnee Mission, KS
- The God Problem, Howard Bloom, c. 2016
- A Palette of Particles, Jeremy Bernstein, c. 2013
- The Life and Letters of Alexander Wilson, Clark Hunter, c. 1983, hardcover, $25, Portland, OR
- Tai-Pan: The epic novel of the founding of Hong Kong, James Clavell, c. 1966
- 1421, Gavin Menzies, c. 2008; softcover; Powell's in Portland, OR
- 1434, Gavin Menzies. c. 2009, softcover; Half-Price Bookstores;
- The Three Mona Lisas; Rab Hatfield, c. 2014; hardcover; $40; Kimbell Museum, Ft Worth, TX
- The Complete Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi, c. 2004; it was originally published in France, c. 2003, in two volumes; this book is the "complete" Persepolis
- A New Literary History of Modern China, edited by David Der-Wei Wang, c. 2017
- The Man Who Made The Movies: The Meteoric Rise and Tragic Fall of William Fox, Vanda Krefft, c. 2017, Amazon; $24
- The Secret Lives of Color, Kassia St. Clair, c. 2016; hardcover; $20 --- Arianna has it
- Remembering America: A Voice From The Sixties, Richard N. Goodwin, c. 1988; absolutely awful; a JFK hero-worshipper;
- With The Impressionists: The Diary of Julie Manet, Translated and edited by Jane Roberts, c. 2017; softcover, Amazon
Acquired in 2017
- Renoir and Friends: Luncheon of the Boating Party, Eliza E. Rathbone, c. 2017, hardcover, Amazon
- Cars: Freedom, Style, Sex, Power, Motion, Colour, Everything, Stephen Bayley, c. 2009, hardcover, Amazon
- Ink and Paint: The Women of Walt Disney's Animation, Mindy Johnson, c. 2017, hard copy, coffee table
- Venice Incognito: Masks In The Serene Republic, James H. Johnson, c. 2011, softcover, Amazon
- History of My Life: Giacomo Casanova, Everyman's Library, introduction by John Julius Norwich, c. 2006
- The Unknown Monet: Pastels and Drawings, James A Ganz and Richard Kendall, c. 2007
- Greene & Greene: Masterworks: Bruce Smith and Alexander Vertikoff, c. 1998; reseller through Amazon for about $10; original price, $40;
- The Birth of the Pill: How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution, Jonathan Eig, c. 2014, softcover; Amazon
- Prehistoric Life: The Definitive Visual History of Life on Earth, DK, c. 2009, 2012; softcover; Amazon
- Whiskey: Eyewitness Companions, DK: Charles MacLean, c. 2008, softcover, third party through Amazon
- Whiskypedia: A Compendium of Scottish Whisky, Charles MacLean, c. 2010, hardcover; third party through Amazon
- Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art, Shizuo Tsuji, c. 2011, hardcover, beautiful copy
- Whisky Japan: The Essential Guide to the World's Most Exotic Whisky, Dominic Roskrow, c. 2016, hardcopy; Amazon; beautiful copy
- The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia, Michael Booth, c. 2014, Amazon, softcover
- Super Sushi Ramen Express, Michael Booth, c. 2016, Amazon, hardcover
- Frank Lloy Wright on the West Coast, Mark Anthony Wilson, c. 2014, Amazon (I first saw it at Kimbell Museum of Art); $47
- Dracula, Barnes and Noble Classics, introduction and notes by Brooke Allen, c. 2003; Dracula was first published in 1897; Barnes and Noble, $4.50
- Master Paintings From The Phillips Collection, Museum Book, c. 2011, $25, Kimbell Museum of Art, May, 2017
- Life Ascending: The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution; Nick Lane, 2010, softcover, discount book store
- The Celts; edited by Venceslas Kruta et al; Rizzoli publishers; translated from the Italian; c. 1997 (first copyright, 1991); Powell's bookstore, Portland, April 18, 2017; $22
- 101 World Whiskies to Try Before You Die, Ian Buxton, 2012; sequel to his 2010 book, Half-Price Books, hardcover, $4.99
- Biology, Raven, Johnson, Sixth Edition, c. 2002 (1996), textbook, Half-Price Books, hardcover, $5.99
- Molecular Cell Biology, Lodish, Berk, Matsuraira (MIT), Fifth Edition, c. 2004 (1986), textbook, Half-Price Books, hardcover, $7.99
- Quantum Fuzz: The Strange True Makeup of Everything Around Us, Michael S. Walker, c. 2016.
- The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution, Richard Dawkins and Yan Wong, c. 2016 (revised and expanded from earlier edition)
- Acquired in 2016
- itruvius: On Architecture, Thomas Gordon Smith, through Amazon, Glynn's Collection, Lydican, Claregalway, County Galway H91 X7E2, Ireland
- My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew, Abigail Pogrebin, c. 2016, Amazon Vine, advance copy, not for sale
- Orion of the Dunes: A Biography of Henry Beston, Danield G. Payne, c. 2016; Amazon, hard cover
- The Outermost House: A Year of Life on the Great Beach of Cape Cod, Henry Beston, c. 1928, Amazon, softcover
- Monet: The Early Years, catalogue, soft-cover, Monet exhibition, October, 2016 - January, 2017, Kimball Art Museum, Ft Worth, TX
- Helen Of Troy: The Story Behind the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, Bettany Hughes, c. 2005, softcover, accidental find at Harvard Bookstore, Cambridge, MA;
- the Ultimate Bar Book: The Comprehensive Guide To Over 1,000 Cocktails, Mittie Hellmich, c. 2006, hardocover, Amazon
- The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe, Michael Pye, c. 2015, softcover, Amazon
- The History of the World, Sixth Edition, J. M. Roberts & Odd Arne Westad, c. 2013, hardcover, Amazon, for Arianna
- Cistercian Abbeys: History and Architecture, Jean-Francois Leroux-Dhuys, c. 1998, a coffee-table book
- How To Read Water: Clues and Patterns from Puddles to the Sea, Tristan Gooley, c. 2016
- Dinosaurs: The Grand Tour, Keiron Pim, field notes by Jack Horner, c. 2013, 2016
- Hemingway in Love: A Memoir, A. E. Hotchner, c. 2016
- Spain In Our Hearts: Americans In The Spanish Civil War, 1936 - 1939, Adam Hochschild, c. 2016
- The Drunken Botanist: The Plants That Create The World's Great Drinks, Amy Stewart, c. 2013
- The Tyrannosaur Chronicles: The Biology of the Tyrant Dinosaurs, David Hone, c. 2016
- Ivory Vikings: The Mystery of the Most Famous Chessmen in the World and The Woman Who Made Them, Nancy Marie Brown, c. 2015, hardcover, Amazon.
- Song of the Vikings: Snorri and the Making of Norse Myths, Nancy Marie Brown, c. 2012, softcover, Amazon.
- The Greek Myth: Stories of the Greek Gods and Heroes Vividly Retold, Robin Waterfield, c. 2011, hardcover, redundant, $12.98
- The Wright Style, A New Edition: Recreating the Spirit of Frank Lloyd Wright, Carla Lind, c. 1992, hardcover, Amazon, new
- Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior, Leonard Mlodinow, c. 2012, softcover, Amazon, new
- The Violinist's Thumb, And Other Lost Tales of Love, War, and Genius, Sam Kean, c. 2012, softcover, Amazon, new
- Cosmos Sapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the Universe, John Hands, c. 2015, hardcover, Amazon, new
- Sailing Alone Around The World: The Illustrated Edition, Joshua Slocum, introduction by Geoffrey Wolff, c. 2016; hardcover,
- Papa: Hemingway in Key West, James McLendon, c. 2006, softcover, Kiri brought it back for me, from Key West, Apr 15, 2016
- Dorothy Parker: Complete Broadway, 1918 - 1923, edited by Keven C. Fitzpatrick, c.2014; softcover, price
- The Essential New York time Book of Cocktails, edited by Steve Reddicliffee, c. 2015, price;
- Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe, Lisa Randall, c. 2015, $19, Amazon
- Doctor Zhivago: A Novel, Boris Pasternak, translated by Max Hayward and Manya Harari, c. 1957, Pantheon, used; $7.95
- The Space Book: 250 Milestones in the History of Space & Astronomy, Jim Bell, c. 2013; $19; Amazon
- The White Road: Journey Into An Obsession, Edmund de Waal, c. 2015; hardcover; $19; Amazon
- The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance, Edmund de Wall, c. 2010, illustrated edition, hard cover; Amazon
- The Private Lives of the Impressionists, Sue Roe, c. 2006, paperback, $18 from the Dallas Museum of Art
- The 50s: The Story of a Decade, The New Yorker, c. 2015
- From Chanel to Reves, La Pausa and Its Collections at the Dallas Museum of Art, Olivier Meslay and Martha MacLeod, small monograph, soft cover, $15, full price, Dallas Museum of Art, c. 2015 Mademoiselle: Coco Chanel and the Pulse of History, Rhonda K. Garelick, c. 2014, $20, full price, Dallas Museum of Art,
- American Housewife: Stories, Helen Ellis, c. 2016, $24, full price, Dallas Museum of Art,
- Ayn Rand: And the World She Made, a biography, Anne C. Heller, c. 2009, $7.99, Half-Price Books, soft cover; looks great, exciting
- Grant: Memoirs and Selected Letters, The Library of America, $17.49, Half-Price Books (will be kept in zip lock bag; a collectible)
- The Oil Kings: How The US, Iran, and Saudi Arabia Changed the Balance of Power in the Middle East, Andrew Scott Cooper, c. 2011, $7.98 at Half-Price Books, hard cover
- Money, Gauguin, Van Gogh ... Japanese Inspirations, Museum Folkwang, c. 2014, Museum Folkwang, Essen (Germany), full price; Christmas gift from me to May, bought at Kimbell Museum, Ft Worth, TX; $45
- The Art of the Pastel, Thea Burns, Philippe Saunier, c. 20XX, full price; gift from me to May, bought at Kimbell Museum, Ft Worth, TX; $95
- I mpressionist and Post-Impressionist Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC), Kimberly A. Jones, c. 2010, full price; bought at Kimbell Museum, Ft Worth, TX; $50; bought it after seeing Caillebotte exhibit; the National Gallery had one Gaillebotte (just one in the book);
- The Cell: A Visual Tour of the Building Block of Life, Jack Challoner, c. 2015; University of Chicago Press;
- The New Oxford Annotated Bible; NRSV with the Apocrypha, an ecumenical study bible, Michael D. Coogan, editor, c. 1989; full price, $45; Barnes and Noble purchase;
- The Scarlet Letter,
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Introduction and notes by Nancy Stade, Barnes and
Noble Classics; c. 2003; during my American Bloomsbury/American
Renaissance phase;
- Acquired in 2015
- Letters of Hemingway: Volume 3, 1926 - 1929 (The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of Ernest Hemingway), Ernest Hemingway, c. 2015
- Travels With Myself and Another: A Memoir, Martha Gellhorn, c. 2001 (a second copy; I couldn't find the copy I bought in 2011)
- The Flute Book: A Complete Guide for Students and Performers, Nancy Toff, Oxford University Press, 1985, most recent, 2012,
- On Playing The Flute: The Classic of Baroque Music Instruction, Johann Jachim Quantz, second edition, translated with notes and an introduction by Edward R. Reilly, c. 1966, most recent 2001
- The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun, Gretchen Rubin, c. 2011
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, Susan Cain, c. 2013
- The Letters of Hemingway: Volume 1 1907 - 1922 (The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of Ernest Hemingway), Ernest Hemingway, c. 2011
- Evolution: The Whole Story, Steve Parker, General Editor; and, forward Alice Roberts, c. 2015
- Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 3: The Complete and Authoritative Edition (Mark Twain Project; edited by Benjamin Griffin and Harriet Elinor Smith); c. 2015
- Atom: A Single Oxygen Atom's Journey from the Big Bang to Life on Earth .. and Beyond, Lawrence M. Krauss,
- The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements, Sam Kean,
- Atom: An Odyssey from the Big Bang to Life on Earth .. and Beyond, Lawrence M. Krauss,
- The General and the Genius: Groves and Oppenheimer -- The Unlikely Partnership that Built the Atom Bom, James Kunetka, c. 2015
- Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life, Nick Lane, c. 2015
- The Catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger, c. 1945, 1951
- Moby-Dick, Herman Melville, Introduction and Notes by Carl F Hovde, Barnes and Noble Classics, c. 1851, 2003
- Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, JRR Tolkien (author), Christopher Tolkien (editor), c. 2015 (on sale August 4, 2015; hardcover arrived August 17, 2015)
- The Daemon Knows: Literary Greatness and the American Sublime, Harold Bloom, c. 2015; on sale May 12, 2015, and arrived August 17, 2015 Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 2: The Complete and Authoritative Edition (Mark Twain Papers, Mark Twain (author), Robert Hirst (author) and six others; c. 2013
- The Harvey Girls: Women Who Opened The West, Lesley Poling-Kempes, c. 1989
- Caillebotte: The Painter's Eye, Mary Morton and George Shackleford, c. 2015; published June 22, 2015; received June 23, 2015
- The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets, Simon Singh, c. 2013
- The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs, Gregory S. Paul, c. 2010
- Plankton: Wonders of the Drifting World, Christian Sardet, c. 2015
- The Paris Wife: A Novel, Paula McLain, 2011 (Hadley, his first wife
- The Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use, Reginald and Gladys Laubin, c. 1957 1st edition, c. 1977, second edition
- On The Move: A Life, Oliver Sacks, c. 2015, hard cover; saw review in NYT, or WSJ
- Whisk(e)y Distilled, A Populist Guide to the Water of LIfe, Heather Greene, Spirits Sommelier, hardcover, B&N, , c. 2014, $25.00
- A Moveable Feast, The Restored Edition, Ernest Hemingway, personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway; introduced and edited by Sean Hemingway (grandson), c. 2010, Scribner's imprint, $15.00
- The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde, Introduction and notes by Camille Cauti, c. 2003, Barnes and Noble classic, $6.95
- This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Introduction and notes by Sharon G. Carson, c. 2005, Barnes and Noble classic, $8.95
- Terrible Justice: Sioux Chiefs and US Soldiers on the Upper Missouri, 1854 - 1868, Doreen Chaky, c. 2012; paperback published 2014; bought at Books On Broadway, April, 2015, $21.95
- 15 Months Of Winter: My Year In North Dakota, John Bayer, c. 2014, full price, $15.95, Books on Broadway
- The Cheyenne Indians: Their History and Lifeways, George Bird Grinnell, 2008, softcover, Books on Broadway, $32
- Traveling to Infinity: The True Story Behind "The Theory Of Everything," Jane Hawking, c. 1999 - 2014
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, John Le Carre (David Cornwell), c. 1974, 1991, 2011
- Women Of Will: Following The Feminine in Shakespeare's Plays, Tina Packer, c. 2015; Amazon Vine
- The Wars of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagentes and the Rise of the Tudors, Dan Jones, c. 2014, hardcover
- Duveen: A Life in Art, Meryle Secrest, c. 2004, hardcover, $5.00, third-party
- Collector Without Walls: Norton Simon and His Hunt for the Best, Sara Campbell, 2010, hard cover, $65
- The Faces of Impressionism: Portraits from the Musee d'Orsay, c. 2014, hard cover; $45
- The Musee d'Orsay, Alexandra Bonfante-Warren, c. 2003; gift, hard cover
- Acquired in 2014
- Salinger, David Shields and Shane Salerno, c. 2014
- Blue: The History of the F-15,
- Spineless: Portraits of Marine Invertebrates, the Backbone of Life, Susan Middleton, Amazon, hardcover, c. 2014.
- The Manga Guide to Electricity, Kazuhiro Fujitake, c. 2009, full price, Japanese book store in Los Angeles, $20
- The Zen and Steve Jobs, Caleb Melby, c. 2012, full price, Japanese book store in Los Angeles, $20
- Los Angeles Before Hollywood: Journalism and American Film Culture, 1905 to 1915, Jan Olsson, c. 2008, full price, Japanese book store in Los Angeles, $40
- The Innovators: How A Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created The Digital Revolution, Walter Isaacson, c. 2014, Christmas gift
- Captain Gray In The Pacific Northwest: Captain Gray's Voyages of Discovery, 1787 - 1793, Francis E. Cross and Charles M. Parkin, Jr., c. 1987, Christmas gift
- Henry Neville and the Shakespeare Code, Brenda James, c. 2008, Christmas gift
- Ada's Algorithm: How Lord Bryon's Daughter Ada Lovelace Launched the Digital Age, James Essinger, c. 2014, Christmas gift
- Roanoke: Solving The Mystery of the Lost Colony, Lee Miller, c. 2002, 2012, BN, $8
- The World Atlas of Coffee: From Beans to Brewing -- Coffees Explored, Explained, and Enjoyed, James Hoffman, c. 2014; Amazon Vine, free
- On His Own Terms: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller, Richard Norton Smith, "Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, " c. 2014, Amazon price;
- Unreal City: Las Vegas, Black Mesa, and The Fate of the West, Judith Nies, c. 2014
- The Beatles A Hard Day's Write: The Stories Behind Every Song, Steve Turner, c. 1994, 2009
- Absolutely Small: How Quantum Theory Explains Our Everyday World, Michael D. Fayer, c. 2010
- Proust, William Sansom, Thames and Hudson - Literary Lives, c. 1971
- Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, edited by J. Paul Hunter, a Norton Critical Edition, second edition, c. 1996, 2012
- Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters, David Hockney, c. 2006
- Vermeer's Camera, Philip Steadman, c. 2001; reprinted 2014
- A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination, Philip Shenon, c. 2013
- Camelot's Court: Inside the Kennedy White House, Robert Dallek, c. 2013
- The Muddy River Boys, J. David Erickson, c. 2011, a gift
- The Discovery of Middle Earth, Graham Robb, c. 2013, $29, Getty Museum, LA
- The Nethercutt Collection, a museum book, $35
- Mary Colter: Architect of the Southwest, Arnold Berke, c. 2002
- Mary Colter: Builder Upon the Red Earth, Virginia L. Grattan, c. 1992
- A Naturalist's Guide to Canyon Country, David B. Williams, c. 2013
- Appetite for America: Fred Harvey and the Business of Civlizing the Wild West, One Meal at a Time, Stephen Fried, c. 2010
- The Journal of Eugene Delacroix, Phaidon Press, 3rd edition, c. 1995
- Rewriting Scotland: Welsh, McLean, Warner, Banks, Galloway and Kennedy, Cristie L. March, c. 2002
- The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Victorian Age, Volume E, 8th Edition, c. 2006
- Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, 4th edition, William H. Brown, c.1987
- Some Sort of Epic Grandeur: The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mathew J. Bruccoli, c. 1981, 1991
- James Ensor: Christ's Entry into Brussels in 1889, Patricia G. Berman, c. 2002
- James Ensore, Herwig Todts, c. 2008
- Calculus, Single Variable, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, et al, c. 1998
- How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster, c. 2003
- Passionate Apprentice: Virginia Woolf, The Early Journals, 1897 - 1909, Virginia Woolf, edited by Mitchell A Leaska, c. 1990
- Supreme City: How Jazz Age Manhattan Gave Birth to Modern America, Donald L. Miller, c. 2014
- The Plantagenets: The Warrior Kings and Queens Who Made England, Dan Jones, c. 2012
- The Frackers: The Outrageous Inside Story of New Billionaire Wildcatters, Gregory Zuckerman, c. 2013;
- Knocking on Heaven's Door, Lisa Randall, c. 2011 with new preface on Higgs discovery
- The Particle At the End of The Universe: How The Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World, Sean Carroll, c. 2013
- The 40s: The Story of a Decade, The New Yorker Magazine, 2014
- The Last of the Doughboys, Richard Rubin, c. 2013, softcover, Barnes & Nobel
- Surfaces and Essences: Analogy As The Fuel and Fire of Thinking, Douglas Hofstadter & Emmanuel Sander, c. 2013
- Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, Jim Marrs, c. 2013
- Learning From Leonardo: Decoding the Notebooks of a Genius, Fritjof Capra, c. 2013, hardcover
- Rocket Girl: The Story of Mary Sherman Morgan, America's First Female Rocket Scientist, George D. Morgan, c. 20
- The Letters of Ernest Hemingway, 1923 - 1925, Vol 2, edited by Sandra Spanier, et al, c. 2013, hardcover
- Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life, Kingsley M. Bray, c. 2006
- I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen, Sylvie Simmons, c. 201
- Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius, Sylvia Nasar, c. 2011
- On The Origin of Tepees: The Evolution of Ideas (And Ourselves), Jonnie Hughes, c. 2011
- General Grant and the Rewriting of History: How the Destruction of General William S. Rosecrans Influenced Our Understanding of the Civil War, Frank Varney, c. 2013
- Lakota Noon: The Indian Narrative of Custer's Defeat, Gregory F. Michno, editor and comments, c. 1997; sixth printing, 2007
- 85 Years Birding, Kenneth J. Johnson, c. 2005;
- Stonehenge: A New Interpretation Of Prehistoric Man And The Cosmos, John North, c. 1996; $3.15 + $3.99 (h/s)
- Athens: A Portrait Of The City In Its Golden Age, Christian Meier, c. 1993; $5 (+shipping)
- Acquired in 2013
- The Mistaken Extinction: Dinosaur Evolution and the Origin of Birds, Lowell Dingus and Timothy Rowe, c. 1998
- The Ancestors of Christ At Canterbury Cathedral, Jeffrey Weaver, Madeline H. Caviness, 2013, museum book, J Paul Getty Museum, Christmas gift ($25)
- How To Be Rich, J Paul Getty, c. 19..., Christmas gift
- As I See It: Autobiography, J Paul Getty, c. 1976, revised 2003, Christmas gift
- Salinger: The Official Book of the Acclaimed Documentary Film, David Sheids, Shane Salerno, c. 2013, hard cover, Christmas gift
- The Lost Continent, Bill Bryson, c. 1989, Christmas gift
- The Lord Of The Rings, JRR Tolkien, 50th Anniversary Edition, Barnes & Noble,
- Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality, Max Tegmark, c. 2014 (Vine)
- Marine Mammals of the Northwestern Coast of North America, The: Together With an Account of the American Whale-Fishery (California Legacy Book), Charles Melville Scammon, 1874, foreword of current printing, 2007
- The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Big Horn, Nathaniel Philbrook, 2011
- The Neandertal Enigma: Solving The Mystery of Modern Human Origins, James Shreeve, 1995
- The 4% Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality, Richard Panek, 2011
- The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery, Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards, c. 2004; hardcover, Amazon's price;
- The Space Book: From the Beginning to the End of Time, 250 Milestones in the History of Space and Astronomy, Jim Bell, c. 2013, hardcover, Amazon's price;
- Sydney And Violet: Their Life With TS Eliot, Proust, Joyce, and the Excruciatingly Irascible Wyndham Lewis, Stephen Klaidman, c. 2013; a Amazon Vine pre-release
- Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside The Center, Ray Monk, c. 2012
- Alan Turing: The Enigma, Andrew Hodges, c. 1983, the centenary edition, softcover, c. 2012
- The New Astronomy Guide: Stargazing in the Digital Age, Patrick Moore and Pete Lawrence, c. 2012; hard ocver
- The Log of the Sea of Cortez, John Steinbeck, c. 1941, Penguin Classics; soft-cover
- The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was Born, Louisa Gilder, c.2008 (from Jorge)
- Inventing Los Alamos: The Growth of an Atomic Community, Jon Hunner, 2003
- The Hub’s Metropolis: Greater Boston’s Development from Railroad Suburbs to Smart Growth, James C. O’Connell, c. 2013
- Turing’s Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe, George Dyson, c. 2012, soft cover
- The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood, James Gleick, c. 2012, soft cover
- Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman, James Gleick, c. 1993, soft cove
- Einstein’s Daughter: The Search for Lieserl, Michele Zackheim, c. 1999, hard cover
- Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Vincent Bugliosi, c. 2007
- Evolution and the Molecular Revolution, Charles R. Marshall, J William Schopf, c. 1966, proceedings of a conference; $7.99;
- Fear and Loathing in America: The Gonzo Letters, Volume II, The Brutal Odyssey of an Outlaw Journalist, edited by Douglas Brinkley; second copy; $4.99
- Disturbing the Universe, Freeman Dyson, winner of the 2000 Templeton Prize, c. 1979, $5.49
- Imagining Virginia Woolf: An Experiment in Critical Biography, Maria DiBattista, c. 2009, $5.99
- Inventing Los Alamos: The Growth of an Atomic Community, Jon Hunner, c. 2003, $9.99
- The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood, James Gleick, national bestseller, c. 2011, $7.99
- The Life and Science of Richard Feynman, James Gleick, c. 1992, $7.99;
- 100 Diagrams That Changed The World, Scott Christianson, c. 2012, Harvard Bookstore, full price, $25;
- The Birth of the West: Rome, Germany, France, and the Creation of Europe in the 10th Century, Paul Collins, c. 013 full price; Harvard Bookstore;$30;
- A World of Insects: The Harvard University Press Reader, edited by Ring T. Carde and Vincent H. Resh, c. 2012; full price; Harvard Bookstore; $20;
- Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses, Sarah Gristwood, c. 2013, full price, Harvard Bookstore; $30
- Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War, Nathaniel Philbrick, c. 2007, full price, Yellow Umbrella, Chatham, Cape Cod
- Debt:Debt: The First 5,000 Years, David Graeber, c. 2011; remaindered at $16, Harvard Book Store
- Sex Variant Woman: The Life of Jeannette Howard Foster, Joanne Passet, c. 2008, remaindered, $6; Harvard Book Store
- Charles Dickens and the Great Theater of the World, Simon Callow, c. 2012; Amazon Vine,
- A Book of Bees, Sue Hubbell, c. 1988
- Mendeleev on the Periodic Law: Selected Writings, 1869 - 1905, edited by William B. Jensen, c. 2005
- Paul the Apostle: His Life and Legacy in Their Roman Context, J. Albert Harrill, c. 2012; softcover, free; Amazon Vine;
- Provincetown As A Stage: Provincetown, The Provinctown Players, and the Discovery of Eugene O'Neill, Leona Rust Egan, c. 1994
- The Whale: In Search of The Giants of the Sea, Philip Hoare, c. 2010;
- The Whale: In Search of the Giants of the Sea, Philip Hoare, c. 2010; $5.99 (second copy)
- Eugene O'Neill and Dat Ole Devil Sea, Robert A. Richter, c. 2004; museum purchase; $25
- Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art From Egypt to Star Wars, Camille Paglia, c. 2012, $30, hard cover, signed by author;
- A Narrative Compass: Stories That Guide Women's Lives, edited by Betsy Hearne and Roberta Seelinger Trites, c. 2009, 50 cents, yard sale; from Dr Sue Filene; inside inscription/signed by Roberta Trites
- The Portrait of a Lady, Henry James, Signet Classics, c. 2007, $6.32
- Watch Your Language, Johnny Joe Gallagher, c. 2011, $15.00
- The Brontës: Wild Genius on the Moors: The Story of a Literary Family, Juliet Barker, c. 2012; $25.00
- Portrait of a Novel: Henry James and the Making of an American Masterpiece, Michael Gorra, c. 2012; $24.00
- Shakespeare's Sonnets Freshly Phrased, Joseph Gallagher, c. 2011, $7.98
- Who's Who in Shakespeare, Peter Quennell and Hamish Johnson, c. 1995, $8.00
- Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior, Jonathan Weiner, c. 1999, $7.98
- Letters From Africa, 1914 - 1931, Isak Dinesen, c. 1978, $6.00, HBS sale
- Mr Gray's Anatomy, Ruth Richardson, c. 2008, $6.99, HBS sale
- The Bible, Karen Armstrong, c. 2007, $5.99, HBS sale
- The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom, Graham Farmelo, c. 2009, $7.99 HBS sale
- Apollodorus: The Library of Greek Mythology, translation by Robin Had, Oxford World's Classics, c. 1997, $1.00;
- The Campaigns of Alexander: The Landmark Arrian, edited by James Romm, c. 2010, soft cover, $21
- The Complete Notebooks of Henry James, edited by Leon Edel, c. 1987; discount $5.00, Provincetown, MA Hemingway: A Life Without Consequences, James R. Mellow, c. 1992, hard cover
- Hemingway's Boat: Everything He Loved, and Lost, 1934 - 1961, Paul Hendrickson, c. 2011, full price
- The Great Sea, David Abulafia, c. 2011, hard cover, full price, bought in Williston; $34.95 The Celts, Gerhard Herm, c. 1975, hard cover, discount price, Gloucester, MA
- The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America, Bill Bryson, c. 1989, discount price
- Learn to Read Latin, Textbook, Andrew Keller & Stephanie Russell, c. 2004; discount, $15
- Learn to Read Latin, Workbook, Keller & Russell, c. 2004; discount, $15
- Horseshoe Crabs and Velvet Worms, Richard Fortey, c. 2011; full price; $28.95, Chatham, MA
- On Rare Birds, Anita Albus, c. 2011; full price, $24.95; Chatham, MA
- The History of Ornithology, Valerie Chansigaud, 2009; $12.00; HBS sale
- The Wisdom of Birds, Tim Birkhead, c. 2008, $7.99; HBS sale
- Therese Raquin, Emile Zole, Bantam Classic, $2.00; Provincetown, MA
- The Georgian Star: How Wm and Caroline Herschel Revolutionized Our Understanding of the Cosmos, Michael D. Lemonick, c. 2009, soft cover; Uranus
- The Middleburg Mystique, Vicky Moon, c. 2001
- The Rainbow, DH Lawrence, Penguin Fiction, first published 1915;
- D.H. Lawrence: The Story of a Marriage, Brenda Maddox, c. 1994 (a second copy; re-read)
- Genealogy of the Pagan Gods, Vol I, Books I - V, Giovanni Boccaccio, edited by Jon Solomon, c. 2011; $29.95, Harvard Bookstore;
- Cape Cod, Henry David Thoreau, first published in 1865; $16, full price from Yellow Umbrella bookstore in Chatham, Cape Cod,
- The Road That Killed Achilles, Caroline Alexander, c. 2009; hardcover, $6.99 at Harvard Bookstore;
- The Impossible H.L. Mencken, edited by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers, c. 1991, Harvard Bookstore; $8.00;
- Mrs Woolf and the Servants, Alison Light, c. 2008, Harvard Bookstore, hard cover, $7.00
- Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe, Anthony Summers, c. 1985, $10;
- Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women's Sexual Fantasies, Nancy Friday, c. 1991, $1.00, HBS sale
Acquired in 2011
- Mark Twain, A Life, Ron Powers, c. 2005
- Quips, Quotes, and Quanta: An Anecdotal History of Physics, Anton Z. Capri, c. 2007
- From Quanta to Quarks, Anton Z. Capri, c. 2007
- Eye of the Whale: Lyric Passage from Baja to Siberia, Dick Russell, c. 2004
- Redisovering Homer: Inside The Origins Of The Epic, Andrew Dalby, c. 2006
- American Bloomsbury, Susan Cheever, c. 2006
- Travels With Myself and Another: A Memoir, Martha Gellhorn, c. 2001
- Papa Hemingway, A.E. Hotchner, c, 1966
- The Hemingway Women, Bernice Kert, c. 1998
- Jacobson's Organ and the Remarkable Nature of Smell, Lyall Watson, c. 2000, $7.98
Acquired in 2010
Other Biography
- Bloomsbury: A House of Lions, Leon Edel, 1979, hard cover, warehouse sale.
- Two Lives: Gertrude and Alice, Janet Malcolm, c. 2007
- Sister/Brother: Gertrude and Leo Stein, Brenda Wineapple, c. 1996
- Anaïs: The Erotic Life of Anaïs Nin, Noël Riley Fitch, c. 1993he
- Early Diary of Anaïs Nin, Volume 4: 1927 – 1931, c. 1985
- The Diaries, Volume II, 1934 – 1939, Anaïs Nin (completes the series)
- D.H. Lawrence: The Story of a Marriage, Brenda Maddox, c. 1994
Other Biography
- Mark Twain, Autobiography of, Edited by Harriet Elinor Smith, the Mark Twain Project, c. 2010
- Anne Sexton: A Biography, Diane Wood Middlebrook, c. 1992
William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism, Robert D. Richardson, c. 2006
- Alice James: A Biography, Jean Strouse, c. 1980
- Amy Lowell: Portrait of the Poet in Her Time, Horace Gregory, c. 1958
Scott Fitzgerald: A Biography, Jeffrey Meyers, c. 1994
- Edmund Wilson: A Biography, Jeffrey Meyers, c. 1995 Mary Tudor: Princess, Bastard, Queen, Anna Whitelock, c. 2010
- Deciphering The Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung,
- Arthur I. Miller, 2009
- Acedia & me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer’s Life, Kathleen Norris, c. 2008
- English Literature: The Norton Anthology, Seventh Edition, Volume 1, c. 2000 Literary Criticism of 17th Century England, Volume IV, edited by Edward W. Tayler, c. 1967
- The Ambassadors, Henry James, c. 1903, Penguin, 1986
- The Meridian Handbook of Classical Mythology, Edward Tripp, c. 1974
- The Wooden Horse: The Liberation of the Western Mind, From Odysseus to Socrates, Keld Zeruneith
Contemporary Literature
- The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien, c. 1990
- One Night in a Bad Inn, Christy Leskovar, c. 2006
- Running the Books: The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian, Avi Steinberg, c. 2010 (probably not worth reading)
- The North American Journals of Prince Maximillian of Wied, Vol. 1, May 1832 to April 1833
- The Boys: 1st North Dakota Volunteers in the Philippines, John Durand, c. 2010
Natural History
- The Great White Bear: A Natural and Unnatural History of the Polar Bear, Kieran Mulvaney
- The Red Ape: Orang-utans and Human Origins, Jeffrey H. Schwartz, c. 1987
- Eels, James Prosek, c. 2010
- Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imagined History of Algebra, John Derbyshire, c. 2006
- Women Writing About Men, Jane Miller, c. 1986 Warren Buffett Speaks, by Janet Lowe, c. 1997
- Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine, Harold Bloom, c. 2005
- The Wooden Horse, Keld Zeruneith, c.
- Acquired in 2009
- The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume Two, 1920 – 1924, edited by Anne Olivier Bell
- The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume Five, 1936 – 1941, edited by Anne Olivier Bell
- Art and Affection: A Life of Virginia Woolf, Panthea Reid, c. 1996, $7.98
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Manic Depression and the Life of Virginia Woolf, Peter Dally, c. 1999
- Portrait of a Marriage:V. Sackville-west & Harold Nicolson, Nigel Nicolson, c. 1973
Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, Harold Bloom, c. 1998
Richard III, Book-of-the-Month Club, c. 1995
Richard III, Signet Classic, c. 1963;
Richard III, Folger Shakespeare Library, c. 1996
Complete Works of Shakespeare, Viking Press
Richard III, Paul Marray Kendaall, c. 1955; this edition, 1973
Who’s Who and What’s What in Shakespeare, Evangeline M. O’Connor
- Ernest Hemingway: Selected Letters, 1917 – 1961
NinNinniNinN Nin
- Linotte: The Early Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1914 – 1920
- Prior to 2009 or Unknown Which Year Acquired
- Very limited list of total number of books
- The Diary of H. L. Mencken, edited by Charles A Fecher, c. 1989
- The Beak of the Finch, Jonathan Weiner,
- The Letters of JRR Tolkien, edited by Humphrey Carpenter, c. 1981,
- Casablanca: Behind the Scenes, Harlan Lebo, c. 1992 (on the fiftieth anniversary of the release of Casablanca, 1942).
- Against Forgetting, Carolyn Forche, c. 1993, gift from Kiri to LauraE=MC2, David Bodanis, c. 2000
- Calculus Made Easy, Silvanus P Thompson, Martin Gardner, c. 1998
- A History of Pi, Petr Beckmann, c. 1971, $5.95
- Perfect Rigor: Breakthrough of the Century, Masha Gessen, c. 2009, free advanced copy
- An Imaginary Tale: The Story of i, Paul J. Nahin, c. 1998
- Pi in the Sky, John D. Barrow, c. 1992
- Seven Clues to the Origin of Life, A. G. Cairns-Smith, c. 1985
- The Scotch-Irish: A Social History, James G. Leyburn, c. 1962
- The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin, H. W. Brands, c. 2000
- The Honors Class: Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers, Benjamin H. Yandell, c. 2002, $7.98
- The Story of Numbers: How Mathematics Has Shaped Civilization, John McLeish, c. 1991;
- The Kingdom of Infinite Number, Bryan Bunch, c. 2000
- The Great War and Modern Memory, Paul Fussell, 25th Anniversary Edition, c. 1975, 2000
- The Book of J, translated by David Rosenberg, commentary by Harold Bloom, c.
- Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë, edited by Linda H. Peterson, c. 1992, (perhaps the best edition ever;
- several critiques, case studies in contemporary criticism
- **********************************
- Tossed -- June 25, 2017
- Universal Unabridged Dictionary
- e Annotated Shakespeare, A. L. Rowse
- Women of Will, Tina Packer
- Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans, T. R. Fehrenbach
- Charles Dickens, Simon Gallow
- William James: Robert D Richardson
- Sister Brother Gertrude and Leo Stein, Brenda Wineapple
- The Rainbow. D.H. Lawrence
- The Boys: 1st North Dakota Volunteers in the Philippines, John Durand
- Watch Your Language: Papermints for the Mind: Johnny Joe Gallagher
- Scott Fitzgerald, Jeffrey Meyers
- Sex, Art, and American Culture, Camille Paglia
- Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses, Sarah Gristwood
- Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible, Herbert Lockyer, sr editor
- The Brontes: Wild Genius on the Moors: The Story of a Literary Family, Juleit Barker
- Grant, Jean Edward Smith
- The Brontes, Juliet Barker
- Time, Love, Memory, Jonathan Weiner
- The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Quebec, souvenir postcard book
- C. S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and The Meaning of Life, Armand M. Nicholl, JR
- The Georgian Star, Michael D Lemonick
- The Sublime Engine: A Biography of the Human Heart
- Understanding Thomas Jefferson, F. M. Halliday
- 1,000 Places to See Before You Die
- Conversations of Goethe with Johann Peter Eckermann, introduction by Haveloch Ellis
- Edmund Wilson, Jeffrey Meyers, c. 1995
- Avenue of Spies, Alex Kershaw, c. 2015