Michael Coogan is Lecturer in Hebrew Bible / Old Testament at Harvard Divinity School and Director of Publications for Harvard Semitic Museum. He has taught at a number of prestigious universities and colleges, and has participated in archaeological excavations in Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, and Egypt.
The Malcolm Stevenson Forbes, Class of 1941 Professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University, A CNN political analyst, and a contributor to NPR's "Here & Now." He is the author and editor of numerous books, most recently Myth America and Burnign Down the House. He lives in New York City.
"The Theodore H. White Lecture With Benjamin C. Bradlee," November 14 - 15, 1991, Harvard. Link here.
Bleak House, Charles Dickens, Barnes and Noble Classics, 1852 - 1853.
Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto, Gilbert Osofsky, c. 1963 (first of many)
The World According To Garp, John Irving, c. 1976 (first of several)
The Personality Brokers: The Strange History of Myers-Briggs and the Birth of Personality Testing, Merve Emre, c. 2018.
Portable Magic: A History of Books and their Readers, Emma Smith, c. 2022.
The Making of Shakespeare's First Folio: Published According to the True Originall Copies, Emma Smith, New Edition, first published 2015; second edition, hard copy, c. 2023. Emma Smith: Professor of Shakespeare Studies at Hertford College, Oxford. She is the author of the bestselling This Is Shakespeare (2019) and her most recent book is Portable Magic: A History of Books and their Readers (2022).
The Shakespeare Guide to Italy: Retracing the Bard's Unknown Travels, Richard Paul Roe, c. 2011. This has been posted before but I lost my first copy and this is the replacement copy.
A Hell of a Storm: The Battle For Kansas, The End of Compromise, and the Coming of the Civil War, David S. Brown, c. 2024.
The New India: The Unmaking of the World's Largest Democracy, Rahul Bhatia, c. 2024.
India: A History, John Keay, c. 2000, 2010.Vishnu's Crowded Temple: India Since The Great Rebellion, Maria Misra, c. 2007
The Genetic Book of the Dead: A Darwinian Reverie, Richard Dawkins, c. 2024. Illustrated by Jana LenzovÄ.
The Greeks: A Global History, Roderick Beaton, c. 2021.
How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States, Daniel Immerwahr, c. 2019. Really, really a nice little paperback.
Colossus: Bletchley Park's Greatest Secret, Paul Gannon, c. 2006.
The Secret History of Sharks, John Long, c. 2024
Sharks of the World: A Complete Guide, David A Ebert, Mare Dando and Sarah Fowler, c. 2013.
The Quakers in America, Thomas D Hamm, Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series, c.
Stanford University: A Campus Guide, Richard Joncas, David J. Neuman, and Paul V. Turner, c.1999
The New Annotated Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, edited by Leslie S. Klinger, c. 2017.
Four essays back-to-back in the current issue of Claremont Review of Books, Fall 2024:
- "The Liberties of a Nation": Thomas Jefferson and the Fight Against Slavery, by Cara Rogers Stevens, University Pres of Kansas, 400 pages, $54.00, essay / book review by Jean M. Yarbrough, p. 56."The Great Miscalculation": A Hell of a Storm: The Battle for Kansas, the End of Compromise, and the Coming of the Civil War, by David S. Brown, Scribner, 352 pages, $32, essay / book review by Christoper Flannery, p. 59.
- "A Rediscovered Gem": The United States, Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots: A True Story of Salvery, by John Swanson Jacobs, edited by Jonathan D.S. Schroeder, University of Chicago Press, 328 pages, $115 (cloth), $20 (paper), p. 62.
- "Reconstructing Reconstruction": The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic: Reconstruction, 1860 - 1920, by Manisha Sinha, Liveright, 592 pages, $39.99 (cloth), $19.99 (paper), p. 64.
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