Friday, May 31, 2024

The Princes in the Tower: Solving History's Greatest Cold Case, Philippa Langley, c. 2023.

The Princes in the Tower: Solving History's Greatest Cold Case, Philippa Langley, c. 2023.

Start here.

A reminder:

Four brothers.

House of York.

Mother, Cecily Neville.


  • oldest brother, King Edward IV
  • youngest brother Richard (to be Richard III)

Middle brothers, Edmund and George


  • King Edward IV dies suddenly; Richard moves quickly to become king
  • immediately puts the two sons of King Edward IV "in the tower" (his nephews)
  • Edmund had died earlier; George, a turncoat of questionable loyalty

So, there you have it.

Richard and Edward. Edward, the namesake of Edward III and his own father, Edward IV. And then Richard, the namesake of his uncle, Richard III and the first and second dukes of York, both Richards.

Richard and Edward.

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