Friday, June 21, 2024

Book 9: The Wooden Horse, Keld Zeruneith, Part 1 -- Transcribing Begun June 21, 2024

Notebook undated.

Odyssey and Iliad: Bible analogy --
Iliad: old testament -- about a culure
Odyssey: new testament -- about a man

Homer knew what the gods were thinking; writers of the Bible did not know what God thought.

Iliad: wrath
Odyssey: homecoming

Author's intention -- analyze / characterize the features of -- consciousness:
the origin of consciousness
the development of consciousness

This consciousness, first finds expression in ... p. 11.

Over this period -- over about 300 years, Greek literature and philosophy "invent" all the genres that have been used later:

epic (verse story --> novel)
subjective poetry
(Plato) dialogue form of philosophical thought

These genres rose to fill a need to find answers to ever new forms of experience. p. 13. Think graphic novels -- why it arose -- or the comics.

The book, The Wooden Horse.

Two parts: 1) "Odysseus" and 2) "Socrates


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