Sunday, March 28, 2010

Current Reading

It has been a long time since I've been to Half Price Discount Bookstore. I had a coupon for 50 percent off, good for one day only, so I took advantage of it today. I got one item for 50 percent off, and then for the other books, 10 percent off through my teacher's discount. Wow. What a great day.

These were my selections:
Noel Riley Fitch's biography of Anais Nin, c. 1993.
Robert D Richardson's biography of Williams James, c. 2006.
The Wooden Horse: The Liberation of the Western Mind, from Odysseus to Socrates, by Keld Zeruneith, c. 2007.
Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imagined History of Algebra, by John Derbyshire, c. 2006.
The last three listed were hard cover and in pristine (new) condition, not even the usual black slash on the bottom of the book to mark it as redundant. These were all $30 books at one time, and about $6.00 each today. What a great day.

I recently completed a biography of Henry James, Jr, the writer, and did not have a particular interest in his brother William, but how could I resist? More on William later.

Fitch also wrote Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation.  For those who have forgotten, it was Gertrude Stein who coined the "Lost Generation." Sylvia Beach has always fascinated me; I never guessed there was a biography of her available; now another book to watch out for.

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