Friday, June 21, 2024

Book 11: The Wooden Horse, Keld Zeruneith, Part 3

Undated. Began transcribing on June 21, 2024.

Socrates, chapter XVIII.

Many, many themes


p. 498

"Philosophy takes the place of tragedy, the role of which as an interpretative organ for the democratic state, seems to have been played out by Euripides."

Homer: Oysseus:: Plato:Socrates

Socrates / Plato: "desire for power is proof of the decay of the state" -- p. 498

Plato's writing: his or Socrates? -- p. 497.

Protagoras: more dialectical than The Republic, so probably an early work;

The Republic

The Laws: corresponds to Plato's old age in which Socrates does not play.

Plato's Myths: p. 498
the image of the cave in The Republic
the charioteer / horses in Phaedrus
Diotima in the Symposium; linked here.

Consistencies in various accounts of Socrates:
bare feet
dialectical method
contemplative reveries

Utopio and Telos

Home and Plato: the works of both men came into existence during a period of crisis and strife -- The Trojan War and The Decline of Athens.   

For Plato: p. 499--Odysseus -- a preconfiguation of Socrates.

For Homer, the telos, the utopian goal, was the peace that Zeus Teleios, the Accomplisher, finally institutionalized in the Odyssey in the conclusion fo the Trojan War and the crimes that were its cause.

For Plato, it is Socrates and the arete he personfies -- defined the telos in Plato's work.

Socrates: for Plato -- becomes the be-all and the end-all -- p. 499.

Socrates: elevated to metaphor and myth 

Critias: the most important of the 30 tyrants was Plato's mother's cousin --

Reign of Terror of the 30 tyrants -- 404 - 403 BC -- one year.

Socarates ...p. 7 in the journl




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