Undated. Began transcribing June 21, 2024.
Christian Meier
Fifth-century Athens: 480 - 404 BC:
- two parts
- Golden Age of Athens
- The Age of Pericles
- b. 495; d. 429
- Age of Pericles: 461 BC - 420 BC
- Delian League -- led by Athens
- defeats Persian invasion
- Greeks defeat the Persians at Salamis.
- Aeschylus, 45 y/o
- Sophocles: 16 y/o
- Euripedes: newborn
- Pericles: 15 y/o
- ends with the end of the 27-year Peloponnesian War (431 - 404)
- between Sparta and Athens
Fifth century Athens ("classical age of Athens" now called "Fifth Century Athens")
- the playwrights (Sophocles, Euripedes)
- historians: Herodotus, Thucydides
- physician: Hippocrates
- philosophers: Socrates, Plato
- notable leaders: Themistocles
Noble family of the Alcmaeonids:
- father: Xanthippus
- son: Pericles
Hellespont: "sea of Helles"; Greek pond; the ancient name for the Dardanelles (a synonym), a narrow strait that separates European Turkey from Asian Turkey. Strait between the Aegean Sea and the Sea of MarmaraWe see it, of course, as a narrow strait but if you lived on the shore at that time, it would have seemed a large lake; US military assigned to Europe during the Cold war referred to the Atlantic Ocean as "the pond."
- connects Aegean Sea (Mediterranean) with Propontis (Sea of Marmara) with Black Sea -- through the Bosphorus.
480 BC:
- Persians -- Xerxes
Athens / Attica
- flee to the islands and Troezen on east coast of Peloponnesus
- 500 BC: 20 years earlier -- Greek tradition -- assisted by Athenians. Greeks were Persian subjects.
- 490 BC: Athenians defeated Persia at Marathon.
- 480 BC: Xerxes -- Persians again. Xerxes had cut a canal across the ATHOS peninsula
- Xerxes: two bridges of boats across the Hellespont -- connected Sestos (west, European side) with Abydo (east, Asian side)
481 BC: Persians assemble at Sardia; Sardia -- in-land Lydia (modern Turkey); three-day march from port city of Ephesus.
Persian Empire
- Aegean Sea <-> Indus
- Eyupt <-> Caspian Sea
(same as Alexander's Empire some centuries later)
- Persians: 100,000+ men; 1200+ ships
- Greeks: at best, 30,000 / far fewer ships
480 BC: Persians cross the Dardanelles
Spartans: narrow pass at Thermopylae
Athens: main body of ships nearby at Artemisium -- northwest coast of Euboea
Greeks defeated on land; a draw at sea.
Athens' allies --> the sound south of Salamis
Attic ships --> Piraeus (port)
Battle of Thermopylae: Sparta's loss a foregone conclusion -- a ploy to buy time.
Family tree:
- Neocles: father
- Themistocles: son -- naval battle conceived; 40 years old
Miltiades, father, successful at Marathon
Cimon, son -- to Piraeus with Athens' ships
***Sea Battle conceived by Themistoles; novel idea ***** p. 10
" a shield of a hoplite" -- p. 12
Hoplites: wealthy; needed to afford their own weapons, supplies;
Wow -- hoplites alongside slaves, poor on the triremes
Herodotus: Themistocles transformed the Athenians into thalassioi -- a sea-faring nation.
Warfare transformed by the Athenians!
Entire city of Athens sailed into Saronic Bay.
Military -- professional -- "the entire citizenry" -- the entire Athenian citizenry would be needed to man all the triremes.
Events in Athens and Attica ultimately obeyed the dictates of one man.
Greek history unimaginable without Salamis.
480: Greeks defeat the Persians at Salamis.
480 BC:
Aeschylus, 45 y/o
Sophocles: 16 y/o
Euripedes: newborn
Pericles: 15 y/o
And as of June 22, 2024, that's all that's in that journal.
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