Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Genealogy Of Casanova

Don Francisco

1428: his natural son Don Jacobe Casanova was born at Saragosa, the capital of Aragon

Don Jacobe Casanova abducts Donna Anna Palafox from a convent the day after she had taken her vows. Don Jacobe Casanove was secretary to King Alfonso.  The two of them, Don Jacobe Casanova and Donna Anna fled to Rome; imprisoned in Rome for a year.

It turns out, at the Pope's palace there was an uncle to Jon Jacobe: the uncle was Don Juan Casanova, master of the sacred palace and uncle to Don Jacobe. Uncle Jon Jacobe insisted that his nephew be freed. Pope Martin III freed the two and let them marry.

All of Anna's and Don Jacobe's children died, except one: Don Juan (named after his great uncle).

Don Juan married Elconora Albini in 1475; they had a son named Marcantonio.

1481: Don Juan fled Rome because he had killed an officer of the King of Naples. He fled to Como with his wife and son. He died on a voyage with Christopher Columbus in 1493.

Marcantonio became a good poet; became secretary to Carinal Pompeo Colonna. He wrote a satire against Giulio de Medici; the satire forced him to flee Rome; fled to Como.

At Como, Marcantonio married Abondia Rezzonica.

Of all things, Giulio de Medici becomes pope, Pope Clement VII. The pope pardoned Marcantonio and summoned him back to Rome. Marcantonio died at the hands of the Imperial troops in 1526; he died of the plague. [Daniel Defoe's  The Year of the Plague, written in 1722 of the plague in 1655.]

Three months after Marcantonio's death, his wife gives birth to Giacomo Casanova (late 1400's).

Giacomo Casanova had left a son in Parma. That son marries Teresa Conti. Teresa Conti has a son, Giacomo. Giacomo marries Anna Roli in 1680.

Giacomo and Anna had two sons: Giovanni Batista, left Parma in 1712; lost.

The other son Gaetano Guiseppe Giacomo, forsook his family in 1715, at the age of 17.

All of that is from his father's diary.

The rest of the genealogy comes from his mother.

Gaetano Guisepe Giacoma falls in love with an actress, Fragoletta. Gaetano becomes an actor. Leaves Fagoletta, and travels to Venice; falls in love with Zanetta, age 16. Zanetta's mother is Marzia.

The Casanova is born to Gaetano and Zanetta in 1725.

Zanetta becomes a widow nine years later with six children.

Casanova was one year old when his father left for London as an actor. Mother and son actually follow Gaetano to London.

Starts to tell his story of what he first remembers, at age 8, in 1733. Talks about his grandmother Marzia.

So, long, long genealogy: Parma, Rome, Venice, London, back to Venice.

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